Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Pathology and Lab Medicine for Robbins and Cotran Pathologic

Question: Discuss about thePathology and Lab Medicine for Robbins and Cotran Pathologic. Answer: Introduction In the lab, people ought to be very careful when handling any kind of material and it is important one should ask before doing any test. Inside the lab, there is usually a supervisor and the assistants who can help in bringing order in the lab. Communication Teamwork Via email, when outside the lab, one may contact the supervisor via email if there is something important that would like to inform him, for example, if someone is not coming for some reason like when sick, he/she should send him an email. When absent from work one should ensure he/she provide the reason for not being in work. The communication should be done officially and in a polite way so that the supervisor can manage the work in your absentia. Alternatively, one can communicate a day before and ask for permission to avoid any inconveniences. One should only communicate using the email just in case the issue is an emergency Rothstein, William (2009). Verbal contact if we are the lab, the supervisor contacts me directly if he needs to do anything. This means that the communication should be verbal since it is one of the most effective means of communication. Verbal communication entails being polite and following good etiquette. Being polite is an important aspect for instance when requesting something someone should be very polite in order to be offered that one is asking for. Using the etiquettes such as sorry in case you did something wrong, thank you when someone does something good to you, excuse when you interrupting someone in the middle of something and please when persuading someone. Some of these etiquettes are important in verbal communication to show that you have respect for people. In pathology lab, because one is teaching lab so most information about the practical classes in addition, about how to prepare the lab for practical classes, also there are specific informations they try to deliver it to me as a placement student. For example, one has to be informed about some techniques how to prepare some of the reagents and how to do a certain type of stains. Therefore, one should be conversant in these methods so that one understand them better. Most of these methods are done systematically hence, it is important to ask questions where there is no good clarification. There should be no wait until the supervisor is done with the explanation Rothstein, William G. (2009). Include how one take advice, give or take instruction as well as offering professional opinion. Ask about anything that do not know, so that one can do it right, in addition, be accurate in time , so try to go early like 5 minutes before the work time and be accurate in coffee break time, I think like that small details help to make better work environment. Every time one require a clarification, he/she should approach the supervisor when the rest of the students are not there so that one can explain his/her own problem and he clarify for without any difficulties. This would ensure well understanding than when one would just keep quiet with a problem. It is important to have a notebook to write what the explanation is all about. This would ensure that one would not forget all that is said. To ensure a good working environment, there should be no noise around. The place should be very silent to ensure communication is well passed from one party to another. The students in the lab shou ld maintain silence in order to make others understand all the information passed. Nobody should distract others in any way. Students too can communicate with each other and assist one another where the information is not clear. King, Lester (2011). What difficulties may be encountered, give examples, and how are they resolved? The below some example of some difficulties in lab, but I would like you to add others To be part of the teamwork is the most difficult thing, but that can be resolved with the time. In addition, there are some difficulties in some works, for example, if one face any difficulties in any staining procedure, one should ask any expert in the lab to fix. Usually, the employees in pathology lab give a valuable advice and try to make everything easy and clear to do. Every time one encounter a problem, it is important to ask the expert a question so that the clear to avoid messing up with an experiment Machevsky, Alberto, Wick, (2014). One should not find a difficulty in doing something and just hold it. It is good when you ask a question and more clarification so that the explanation becomes very clear. Be ready to listen to what is being explained by taking notes and asking all kinds of questions that are important in such a scenario. Never assume anything is easy therefore everything should be done with much seriousness no avoid messing up anything. Before trying out anything, first, follow the instructions and where it is not clear just ask. Use the apparatus provided in the right manner and ask questions where you do not understand the use of a certain apparatus. Avoid distractions when conducting any sort of experiment and follow all the information provided to understand everything appropriately. Conclusion It is important communication in the lab should be very efficient to enable all people to understand what really happens in the lab. Where one does not understand can go ahead and ask question for a finer explanation. References Robbins, Stanley (2010). Robbins and Cotran pathologic basis of disease (8th ed.). Philadelphia: Saunders/Elsevier. Pp. 90-110 King, Lester (2011). Transformations in American Medicine: From Benjamin Rush to William Osler. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins. Pp. 27-88. Machevsky, Alberto; Wick, M (2014). "Evidence-based Medicine, Medical Decision Analysis, and Pathology". Human Pathology. Pp. 67-70. Rothstein, William G. (2009). "Pathology: The Evolution of a Specialty in American Medicine". Medical Care. Pp. 17-20.

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